Frequently Asked Questions

Police Department

What is the best telephone number to call?

Van Wert Police Department’s telephone lines:

911- for Emergencies (FIRE , EMS, POLICE)

419-238-6666- To report NON emergencies (bicycle stolen, noise complaint etc)

419-238-2462- Business line

419-238-4777-Dectective bureau

419-238-1993-Police Chief

419-238-1989-Records Bureau (for copy of a report)

What are some of the most common phone numbers called?

Van Wert Municipal Court 419-238-5767

To pay a traffic citation online/to look up arrest/conviction information  go online  to

Van Wert City Law Director-419-232-2700

Crime Victim Services-419-238-9800

Mayor’s  office-419-238-0308

Safety Service Director- 419-238-1237

Van Wert Engineering (junk, high grass) complaints 419-238-5775

Van Wert County Sheriff’s Office- 419-238-3866

Van Wert County Correctional facility-419-238-2464

Van Wert State Highway Patrol-419-238-3055

Van Wert Fire Department business line-419-238-4918

Van Wert License Bureau- 419-238-9399

Van Wert Juvenile Court-419-238-1118

Van Wert Juvenile Probation-419-238-2044

Van Wert County Common Pleas Court-419-238-6935

Van Wert County Common Pleas Adult Probation-419-238-2825

DJFS (Department Job and Family Services-419-238-5430

Van Wert Post Office- 419-238-1678

Van Wert Recycle Center- 419-238-7767

Common Animal-related questions

Dead Animals:

If you find a dead animal, the city will pick it up IF it is in the street or in the terrace.

Please call the Mayor’s office at 419-238-0308, and they will make arrangements for it to be picked up.


Barking Dogs:

Please call the Van Wert Police Department at 419-238-2462


Loose Dogs:

Call the Van Wert County Sheriff’s Office at 419-238-3866 Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8am to 4pm. After 4pm and anytime on the weekends, and on Holidays call the Van Wert City Police Department at 419-238-2462.


Vicious Dogs:

Call the Van Wert Police Department at 419-238-6666.


Animal Bites:

If you are bitten by an animal seek medical attention, then call the Van Wert City Police Department at 419-238-6666 for further instructions.


Loose Wild Animals:

Contact Wildlife Officer 419-424-5000.

Private Property Accident?

We do not investigate private property accidents unless:

1) Driver leaves the scene and fail to properly exchange information.

2) A City or Government vehicle is involved.

3) The accident results in a fatality or injury.

4) The accident could result in traffic or criminal charges being filed.

5) Or some other exigent circumstances that would warrant an accident report to be filed.

What you need to do is all parties involved exchange information (driver’s license information, registration information, insurance information). And contact their insurance companies.

Locked out of vehicle?

We no longer provide this service unless:

The vehicle is running

A child is locked inside

A pet is locked inside

Burning violation?

If you believe someone is in violation of burning please contact the Fire Department business number at 419-238-4918.

If your power is out

Please call AEP direct, they need YOUR information, to assist you: their telephone number: 800-672-2231

How do I get a Bicycle License

Please bring your bicycle to our station and we will issue a license for it FREE+

City Council

Who is my Council Person?

Locate your Ward on the Ward Map and then check to see which Council Person serves that Ward.

Street Department

I have a dead tree between the sidewalk and street what do I do?

Trees in the right-of-way (between the sidewalk and street) will be removed by the Street Department.


To report a tree which is of concern please call (419) 238-1237.

My drains are not working properly what should I do?

In many cases the problem is in the property owners own sewer or drain line and will require a plumber. The City will check the City’s sewers at your request before a plumber is called. You may call (419) 238-1237 Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.


When do I need a permit for sewer/water?

A permit is required for connection, demo or repair to any City utility, including water, storm sewer and sanitary sewer.

How much does the permit cost?

Permit fees vary.


You can locate the different tap fees under forms/Engineer’s Office/ Building Permit Flow Chart/second page.

Please call the Safety Service Director Office at (419) 238-1237 if you have any questions.


Please note: Because all new commercial or industrial taps are different it is best to call for pricing.


What are the Van Wert City Park Hours?

City parks shall be closed during the following hours:

Memorial Park   10 PM to 6 AM

Fountain Park fka 3rd Ward Park  10 PM to 6 AM

Jubilee Park   11 PM to 6 AM

Smiley Park  11 PM to 6 AM

Rotary Soccer Complex  11 PM to 6 AM

Rotary Park   10 PM to 6 AM (except for fishing activities only)

Reservoir Boat Launch   10 PM to 6 AM (except for fishing activities only)

Franklin Park  10 PM to 6 AM