Sealed proposals marked “2024 Pavement Marking” and addressed to the Safety-Service Director of the City of Van Wert, Municipal Building, 515 East Main Street, Van Wert,
Ohio 45891 will be received until 11:00 A.M. (Van Wert Time), on Thursday, June 20, 2024, for furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to fulfill this contract.
The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, 515 East Main Street, Van Wert, Ohio 45891. The work for which proposals are
invited is for the work required to re-paint the pavement markings currently in use within the City of Van Wert. In accordance with the Ohio Revised Code Section 307.87 this shall
serve as notification that this notice is available on the City of Van Wert, Ohio’s internet web site on the World Wide Web by logging onto and going to
Notices/Hot Topics from the home page and you will be able to view the notice. Contract Documents, specifications, and the plans (if available) may be examined or
obtained at the office of the Safety-Service. The nonrefundable fee for each set of specifications is $10.00. Checks shall be made payable to the City of Van Wert.